Woman wins Rs 3L compensation after boss sacked her for calling in sick on Monday These were the headlines in my browser feed on a hectic university exam day. Something about the wording compelled me to click on the link. I went through the article, curious about the lady’s apparent Monday syndrome, if I may […]
I don’t remember the exact moment that people decided I was a man. But at some point, people stopped asking me for directions as often. Seats on buses and the metro next to mine usually stayed empty. When you’re a man, you come into inheritances that society has decided you will now have. When the […]
The first time I ever came out to someone was a surreal experience. I was 16, talking to my best friend on my mother’s phone. “I uh.. have something to say to you”, I texted her. “But I think I’ll wait until I see you in person” “I think I know…” “Yeah?” “You’re gay?” “Bi” […]